

Meridian teen Oriana Puaauli named Division 6 Young Marine of the Year

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BOISE, Idaho — The Young Marines, a national youth organization, has announced the Division 6 Young Marine of the Year: YM/Sergeant Major Oriana Puaauli, a junior at Meridian High School and member of the Captain Art Jackson Young Marines located in Nampa.

The organization is divided into six divisions across the United States. Each division sends their selected Young Marine of the Year to compete for the title of National Young Marine of the Year, the highest honor bestowed by the organization.

Each candidate must meet vigorous requirements in leadership, academics and physical fitness.

Puaauli has been a member of the Young Marines since she was 8 years old. Since joining, her achievements include being named Unit Young Marine of the Year twice, fifth place at Advanced Leadership School, and receiving the First Sergeant ribbon for Division 6.

At Meridian High School, Puaauli maintains a 4.0 GPA, is president of her junior class, captain of the school rugby team, active in student council and athletic trainer for her school sports teams.

Puaauli will represent Division 6, consisting of Young Marines from Idaho, Washington, Oregon, California, Arizona, Nevada and Utah. The honor includes traveling to other units in the division to lead, motivate and serve as a role model.

“A proven leader, Puaauli is an exemplary Young Marine,” said Col William P. Davis USMC (Ret), national executive director and CEO of the Young Marines. "Her Young Marine and academic accomplishments are outstanding. At the young age of 17, she has already received numerous accolades from her division. Like each of our six division winners, Puaauli shows great leadership qualities and demonstrates a sincere reverence to veterans. A foundation of the Young Marines program, each of these division winners practice a healthy drug-free lifestyle.”

Puaauli says she is grateful for the program and thankful for the comradery and friendships.

“The Young Marines made me who I am. The program is much deeper than what it looks like on the surface - the relationships and friendships, the self-reflection that happens and the overall improvement of discipline and leadership within me,” said Puaauli. “From joining at such a young age, the Young Marines helped me choose the right crowd of friends. The program has allowed me to travel and make friends from every corner of the country. I hold those friendships very near and dear to my heart. Along with the travels come unique learning experiences. What have the Young Marines done for me? The answer is - everything.”

Puaauli is the daughter of Katie and Puletele Puaauli. And like her father, she plans to enlist in the U.S. Air Force with the ultimate goal of becoming a combat medic or medical evacuation nurse.

Selection of the National Young Marine of the Year is scheduled during a retreat in Virginia April 18-22.