

Meridian voters head to the polls for the 2023 mayoral election

The Meridian mayoral race is a two man race between Incumbent Robert Simison and challenger Mike Hon.

  • Meridian's office of Mayor is up for election. Incumbent Robert Simison is looking to retain his seat against challenger Mike Hon. Hon most recently ran and lost for Meridian city council.
  • Both candidates told Idaho News 6, if elected, growth and safety would be their focus. Simison talks about the progress on the Linder Road overpass, new fire stations, and a new police station. Hon said he would push ACHD to prioritize Meridian to help deal with growth in the city, as well as strengthen compensation for first responders.

(The following is a transcription of the full broadcast story.)

Here in Idaho’s second biggest city, Meridian, the office for mayor is up for election.

I’ve been covering the race for weeks now, as incumbent Robert Simison looks to retain his seat against challenger, Mike Hon.

Almost every voter I talked to, like Caitlin Wilhelm, discussed the importance of managing growth.

“Street sizes aren’t big enough for all the cars trying to get from point A to point B," Wilhelm told Idaho News 6. "Bridges and highways are important to maintain so everyone can get where they’re going in a decent amount of time.”

Simison and Hon have growth and safety as two of their main campaign points.

Simison points to things like progress on the Linder overpass and two new fire stations and a police station as examples of how he handles growth and safety…

Hon says he wants to make sure Ada County Highway District is making Meridian a priority, as well as looking at strengthening compensation for first responders

Wilhelm told me she loves Meridian and hopes it stays similar in the future...

“It’s just a nice place to live. I feel safe here," Wilhelm said." I don’t worry about my kids playing outside without me monitoring them the whole time and I want that to stay.”