

Miracle League of Payette ensures every child has a chance to play baseball


PAYETTE, Idaho — Harmon Killebrew is one of the greatest hitters in Major League Baseball history and the "killer" hails from Payette, Idaho.

Harmon Killebrew had a long-time dream to bring a miracle league field to his hometown and thanks to support from the community, the field was finished in 2015.

"Unfortunately, once we got it all done Harmon passed away the year before we got to play a game on it," said Alan Pollock, a board member with the Miracle League of Payette non-profit.

These fields are constructed with a special synthetic making them safer for kids with special needs and disabilities, giving them a chance to enjoy America's National Pastime.

“Once you get here and see the kids play you will understand," said Pollock. "This field was built for walkers and wheelchairs."

Smiles were easy to find as children enjoyed the camaraderie, each player gets a buddy to help them bat, run the bases and play out in the field.

"It was really fun," said Healy, one of the miracle league players.

Coeur d'Alene has the only other field like this in Idaho and so the Miracle League of Payette invites anybody in the region to bring their kids out to play free baseball.

Games happen every Thursday at 6:00 p.m. until July 6.

"We would love to see Ada, Canyon and all these communities come and play on this field," said Pollock. " I think it would be huge for the kids."

The field cost $250,000 to build and a huge $50,000 donation by the Laura Moore Cunningham Foundation got the ball rolling, the community and Harmon Killebrew's family came through with the rest.

Eight years later the league is going strong because not only do the children have a blast, they are pretty good at baseball.

So make sure to check out the video on this story to get the whole experience.