

Missing teen Blaze Thibaudeau has been found safe with doomsday mom, uncle and sister


originally written and shared by Nate Eaton,

A missing 16-year-old boy from Arizona was found safe with his mother, uncle and sister in Alaska Friday night.

Blaze Thibaudeau was at the Alcan Port of Entry along the eastern Alaska border when US Customs and Border Protection agents found him, according to an announcement from the Gilbert Arizona Police Department and FBI Phoenix Field Office.

He was with his mother, Spring Thibaudeau, his uncle Brook Hale, and his sister Abi Snarr. Spring and Brook were arrested on extradition warrants and turned over to Alaska State Troopers.

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“Thank you to everyone who assisted by sharing information in our investigation to locate Blaze and reunite him with his father,” a Gilbert Police Department tweet says.