

Governor honors mothers during ceremony

Governor honors mothers during ceremony

A Nampa woman has been named “Idaho’s Mother of the Year” during a special ceremony at the Idaho Statehouse.

Lorraine Bell is a mother of nine children, a grandmother of forty-five grandchildren and great grandmother of thirty-two great grandchildren.  Bell also writes children stories and is an active member in her church.

Bell was handed the honor alongside former first lady Patricia Kempthorne and Young Mother of the Year Recipient Shawna Morrissey who were all honored by the Idaho Association of American Mothers. 

For 70 years, the organization has been recognizing great women in the state who are dedicated to their families and community.

Governor C.L. “Butch” Otter proclaimed March 8th through the 14th as “Idaho Mother’s Week,” only days after his own mother passed away at the age of 101.