

Motorcycle ride helps Idaho honor fallen pilots while raising money for their families

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One More Day is a relatively new organization that focuses on providing suicide prevention resources to the military and to veterans.

But on February 2, Chief Warrant Officers Jesse Anderson, Matthew Peltzer and Geoff Laubhan tragically died in a Black Hawk helicopter crash while they were training to save other people's lives.

One More Day turned their attention towards creating a motorcycle ride to honor these Idaho National Guard pilots and raise money for their families and the response was overwhelming.

"I just wanted to show my support by coming out," said Army veteran Sam Stone who served with Geoff Laubhan's father. "When I heard about it on the news my knees buckled because I personally knew them and I knew how the parents were devastated.”

David Conley organized the event and he credited the community for providing resources to put this fundraiser together.

Conley talked with some of the parents who shared their appreciation with him.

"She was so sad and so happy she gave me the longest hug that I’ve had in a long time," said Conley. "She just said thank you so much for doing this, it was so incredible."

There were more than 200 riders who took part in the ride, veterans and others who support the military gathered at the High Desert Harley Davidson shop in Meridian to pay their respects.

Conley told us they won't know for a couple of days how much money they raised, but he did tell us he believes they have a good shot to make their goal of $30,000.

He also wanted to thank the Canyon County Sheriff's Department and the Nampa Police Department for providing pilot guards for the ride and helping ensure a safe event.