

Motorcycle safety awareness month: Tips to keep Idaho roads enjoyable to all

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BOISE, Idaho — May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month and AAA, the Idaho Transportation Department and other traffic safety partners are reminding drivers to be aware of the increase in motorcycles on the road as it gets warmer.

“Idaho’s spring and summer months are absolutely beautiful, and motorcycle enthusiasts are naturally eager to take full advantage and hit the open road,” says AAA Idaho spokesman Matthew Conde. “But motorcycles are smaller and more difficult to see than passenger vehicles, and extra vigilance is needed to help keep riders safe.”

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, motorcyclists are nearly 28 times more likely to die in a crash per mile traveled than car occupants.

This is a growing issue in the Treasure Valley. According to the ITD, 554 motorcycle crashes were reported in 2021 with 32 fatalities, an 18% increase since the previous year. 200 serious injuries were also reported which had increased nearly 30% since 2020.

“Idahoans look out for each other. It’s who we are. So, let’s do our part as drivers to check and double-check our blind spots and mirrors for motorcycles and to use our turn signals so motorcyclists can anticipate how they need to react to stay safe,” said Idaho Office of Highway Safety Program Manager Josephine Middleton.

Some tips for Idaho drivers to protect their motorcyclist peers on the road are:

  • Yield to motorcyclists, especially when turning at intersections.
  • Be aware that a motorcycle's size could reduce your ability to judge its speed and distance.
  • Give motorcyclists an increased following distance so you have time to stop.
  • Know your blind spots and check them before changing lanes or merging.

Eliminating factors that could distract drivers from keeping these habits in mind is key to keeping roads safe for motorcyclists.
“Distraction continues to be a factor in many crashes. While most riders take steps to ride safely and protect themselves, cell phone use and other forms of distraction along with red light runners are causing far too many crashes involving motorcycles,” said Idaho Coalition for Motorcycle Safety Government Affairs Director Lane Triplett. “All road users need to become aware of the consequences of their bad habits and make positive personal changes.”

Cpl. Kyle Wills of the Boise Police Department added, “Whether we are on two wheels or four, whether it’s our daily commute or a road trip, we all need to look out for each other every time we use the road. More riders should not inevitably result in more crashes and if we all look out for one another and be patient, we’ll go a long way toward reducing crashes on our roadways.”

Making sure to keep our two-wheeled counterparts in mind is an essential step in keeping Idaho roads safe and enjoyable to all as summer weather rolls into the Treasure Valley.