

Moutain lion kills one dog, injures another in Ketchum


Another sobering reminder of how close where live to the great outdoors. One dog is dead and another injured after they were attacked by a mountain lion. The attack happened last Thursday in a Ketchum Idaho subdivision.

The dog's owner, Ed Cummins was proud how his one dog Barkley stood up and defended their home.

"The mountain lion is twice his size, very muscular animal, but some how Barkley defended him off and came back home, it's really kind of a miracle," said Cummins

The lion wouldn't be on the prowl long. Hours after the attack, Idaho Fish and Game officers set up a trap and caught the cougar. Cummins, who saw the big cat caged, says it was quite a sight.

"Just nasty, all he kept doing was jumping to get out, snarling and spitting and all that," said Cummins

Fish and Game moved the lion to a remote area, hoping the big guy won't find his way back to town. It is not uncommon for mountain lions to be closer to town during the cold months.