

My Idaho: Baseball perfection remembered in Idaho


BOISE, Idaho — His name may not be as recognizable as Yankee greats Babe Ruth or Micky Mantle, but Don Larsen will always be remembered for doing something that has never been done before.

Larsen pitched the only perfect game in World Series history and with the series in play right now, we thought it would be a perfect time to hear from Larsen's grandson near his home in north Idaho. Larsen needed 97 pitches to complete the perfect game, immortalizing his name in Major League history forever.

Don Larsen

"It's interesting, it's pretty cool, it brings some joy that he's still holding that record strong," said Justin Larsen. "Some people have come pretty close; it's pretty joyous, I would say."

Justin says it's hard not to think of his famous grandfather when October rolls around.

"You get some people who go into depth of stories where they were when this event happened and how much they can relate if they related to something. It's pretty cool."

Don Larsen

Don Larsen took the money he made from auctioning off his uniform, cleats and glove from that historic day and put it aside for Justin and his brother's education.

"It was huge; it made a giant dent in my life, making it easier for me to go to school and do what I wanted to do, study, all that stuff," said Justin. "My brother, the same way. Split it all up evenly between the two of us and we'll be able to do what we wanted to do and get an education.

Justin says his grandpa was a proud man, so being the competitor he was, there was a part of him that kept a close eye on the fall classic every year, just in case.

Don Larsen

"Over time, he just kind of settled with it kinda didn't see it much happening because he was a stern old man, but he held strong on that and to do this day, I don't think he thought anyone could beat it."

Larsen died in Hayden, Idaho in January 2020 at the age of 90. His last MLB appearance was on July 7, 1967, for the Chicago Cubs.