

Nationwide pet adoption event comes to Boise, promotes better life for animals


BOISE, Idaho — The largest nationwide pet adoption event rolled into Boise this week, giving people the opportunity to find a new furry friend in need of a home.

Starting on Tuesday, the Idaho Humane Society is hosting Tour For Life 2022 — a weeklong event led by North Shore Animal League America.

Tour For Life 2022 is the largest cooperative lifesaving pet adoption event in the world, according to the NSALA website. This year, the tour partnered with Racheal Ray Nutrish, local shelters and rescue groups to promote safe adoption events in 37 American states.

The NSALA plans to host weeklong pet adoption events in 53 cities throughout March and April, including Boise.

"One of our beliefs is working with other shelters so that we do save those lives," Idaho Humane Society Public Relations Manager Kristine Schellhass said. "This partnership is important to talk about the messaging of adopting out the animals that we have and working together to create a better life for animals all across the United States."

Tour For Life event brings out potential new pet owners to Idaho Humane Society on Tuesday

A local nonprofit organization, the Idaho Humane Society, is a no-kill shelter. Being a no-kill facility means IHS does not euthanize adoptable animals. Instead, Schellhass said IHS focuses on rehabilitation and animal welfare.

On average, Schellhaas said the humane society helps 122 animals get adopted per week. She said that the nonprofit also takes animals from areas like rural Idaho or other states that don't have the resources to provide proper health care.

"We follow socially conscious sheltering, which means that no adoptable animal is ever euthanized. We look at every animal that comes through our doors and provide whatever medical care they need," Schellhaas said. "We spend 2.5 million providing vet care for our animals and the public. We do everything we can to take care of the animals and set them up for success."

Related: Shelter dogs from New Orleans transported to the Idaho Humane Society

On Tuesday, one of IHS' adoptable pets found her forever home with Eagle resident Dan Prince.

"(I'm) very excited," Prince said. "It's kind of like bringing our firstborn home."

Dan Prince and new dog, Princess

Prince said he's been watching the IHS website for a while looking for a small dog and saw the Tour For Life promotion online. Though Prince was unsure he'd find a pet on Tuesday, he couldn't "pass up" taking home Princess.

"They all need homes, and we needed a pet, so it was a great match," Prince said. "I would encourage people to come to check (the Idaho Humane Society) out. It's a beautiful place. They have lovely dogs and cats to make good friends, like Princess."

Reporter Madison Hardy with a puppy available for adoption at the Idaho Humane Society

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The Idaho Humane Society will host Tour For Life this week at their Bird Street location in Boise. Adoption services through Tour For Life are available between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday and from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday.

A list of animals available for adoption from the Idaho Humane Society is available here.