

New Pavilion and Improvements Unveiled at Julia Davis Park

On Monday morning a new set of additions were celebrated at Julia Davis Park, featuring improvements to the historic park’s East End.
Celebration pavilion at Julia Davis Park.jpg

BOISE, ID — Boise residents have something new to look forward to seeing while at Julia Davis Park.

On Monday morning, a new set of additions were celebrated, featuring improvements to the historic park’s East End.

City leaders were joined by members of the extended Davis family to unveil the Celebration Pavilion, new permanent restrooms, and enhancements along the Greenbelt that make it both wider and more accessible. New state-of-the-art lighting has also been installed along the pathway for residents to enjoy.

The improvements are something Boise Mayor Lauren McLean says should be a welcome sight for everyone.

“I really look forward to coming through here on the greenbelt and seeing this facility used I’m sure very often as folks enjoy this beautiful park.”

Members of the Davis family have been spearheading projects for beautification since 2006. Diane Myklegard, the great-granddaughter of Julia Davis, tells Idaho News 6 that parks are important since parks are the heart of the community.

“I think it’s important that Boise knows how much of a philanthropic community we have," Myklegard said, adding, "I think people should know what a beautiful park this is. They should come to visit. When you really depend on the people. The people gain so much. We gain community because we take an interest, we take responsibility for it. And we make these incredible friendships.”

Julia Davis Park is the city's oldest park, created through a donation of 43 acres of land in 1907 by Thomas Davis as a memorial to his beloved wife, Julia.