

New program meant to thwart meth trafficking

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Law enforcement in Idaho is cracking down on drugs entering into the state through Oregon.

The drug trafficking route has not only been identified by authorities but now has a new designation by way of being part of a federal program.

The High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area, or HIDTA, designation means law enforcement agencies in Ada and Canyon counties, alongside Malheur County, Ore. are working collaboratively to keep methamphetamines, in particular, off the streets.

The federal program and funding allows for a prosecutor solely dedicated to drug cases deriving from this Oregon-Idaho region.

"It is yet another successful example of law enforcement agencies in Idaho working together at every level to make our communities safer from drug trafficking crime," says U.S. Attorney Wendy Olson.

Since the program's inception in our region seven months ago, the special prosecutor has 14 cases he's currently working on with one already resolved through guilty pleads.

The Oregon-Idaho HIDTA program is one of 28 in operation throughout the entire U.S.