

NIFC releases Wild Fire Potential Outlook

NIFC releases Wild Fire Potential Outlook

The National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) released the new monthly "National Significant Wildland Fire Potential Outlook" which provides wildland fire potential forecasts for May through August.

NIFC forecasts normal significant wild fire potential is expected for the Northwest Geographic Area.

Climate outlooks suggest that generally warmer-than-usual conditions are likely to continue; however, precipitation outlooks are uncertain.

Fire danger is historically too low during May for noteworthy risk of large fires.

In June fire danger will likely rise and we will see the onset of typical seasonal fire activity. The risk of large fires is not expected until late June.

Large, costly fires are more likely in July and August but at this point, there is no reason to believe that the risk of them is above normal.

Click here for full Outlook report.