

Ninth Circuit orders a rehearing in decision criminalizing doctors who perform abortions in Idaho

The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit order case be reheard "en banc"
US Courts Ninth Judicial Circuit

A new court order vacates the September 28 court decision criminalizing performing abortions as part of emergency care for pregnant women in Idaho.

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals is behind the decision.

It recently had reversed an injunction by a federal judge in Idaho and eliminated protection of Emergency Room doctors from facing charges for performing abortions under a federal law known as the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA).

But now the Ninth Court ordered the case to be reheard "en banc".

RELATED | Federal Court ruling limits access to abortion in Idaho

"En Banc", French for "on the bench", refers to a procedure when a panel of all judges of a specific court hears evidence and arguments pertaining to a case.

As ordered, the majority of non-recused active judges in the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit voted to rehear the case to determine whether or not emergency room physicians could be subject to criminal charges if they perform abortions under EMTALA.