

Old Glory deserves respect

American Legion 26 aims to educate new generations about the flag

MOUNTAIN HOME, Idaho — On this Veteran's Day, American Legion 26 in Mountain Home has a special message for our younger generations. Sandy Castellano is Commander of Legion 26 and says one of the many missions of their legion is to educate local school children about the American flag.

"Flag education is so critical. We even take it to our elementary schools here during Veteran's Day week to teach more about flag etiquette, what's proper, why the flag is important. It's a symbol of who we are as a country."

Army veteran David Jett says his blood is on those Stars and Stripes.

It stands for something and that's important to me. To make sure that we're out in the community and that we spend time going around to grade schools introducing the flags, flag protocol. When do you fly it? How you take care of it. What do you do with old flags? That's kind of the projects we've taken on as a legion."

Army veteran Jim Bailey says it's all worth it. "It's nice to see the reaction among the kids. They're really interested in it," says Bailey.

This is just one of many American Legions that want to make sure to let others know what Veteran's Day means to them.