There is less than a week left to complete an application and enroll in healthcare coverage with Your Health Idaho — plans start on Jan. 1, 2025.
Idahoans have an extra day to enroll this year, as Your Health Idaho extended the enrollment deadline to midnight on Monday, Dec. 16. Officials say this is to avoid a Sunday deadline.
Idahoans can use Your Health Idaho to apply for and receive a tax credit that lowers the cost of monthly health insurance premiums. Many Idahoans also qualify for additional savings through Cost-Share Reductions, which, according to a press release, lowers out-of-pocket costs on deductibles, co-pays, and prescription medications.
“We are already seeing a record number of enrollments for 2025,” said Pat Kelly, Your Health Idaho’s Executive Director. “It is very encouraging that Idahoans are receiving the information they need to make educated decisions about their health insurance coverage, and we are honored to be a part of that.”
Your Health Idaho encourages anyone who needs coverage for the upcoming year to visit Those who don’t enroll by Dec.16 will need to wait until October 2025 for another chance to enroll.