

Idaho governor unhappy over public school budget


BOISE, Idaho (AP) -- Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter says he's unhappy with the 7.4 percent funding boost Idaho lawmakers have agreed to budget toward the state's public schools.

Otter had proposed a 7.9 percent hike in education spending for fiscal year 2017. With the Idaho Legislature expected to adjourn over the next few days, it is unlikely the governor will get his request.

 The public schools budget has already passed the House and is currently headed to the Senate before it can hit the governor's desk.

Otter told reporters on Tuesday that the Idaho Legislature shorted him roughly $1.7 million on his literacy initiative to support kindergarten through third-grade students struggling with reading proficiency. The Republican governor had originally requested $10.7 million during his annual address to state lawmakers at the beginning of the year, but members of the powerful budget-setting committee allocated about $9 million.