Freddy's Stack Rock Trail is one of the most popular hikes near Boise, as this trek takes people through the Boise National Forest to a destination with incredible views from a tower of granite rocks.
"We are at mile 8.3 so we have about four more to go," said Lacee Roberts, who was hiking with her son Eli. "We feel great. We just take lots of breaks, but it’s perfect weather."

The 12-mile-long hike traverses from Bogus Basin Road over to a junction before continuing on Freddy's Stack Rock Loop and back. It's not too difficult of a hike if you can handle the distance ok, but it does provide a good alternative near Boise.
"It's very different than hiking in the foothills because it is just different terrain. It was awesome, do you want to say how you liked it?" asked Lacee. "Yeah, it was cool, it is very high," replied Eli.

I met the Roberts family at a special junction where Freddy's Stack Rock meets up with Eastside Trail and Sweet Connie. If you make it to this junction, you are probably having a pretty good day.
I started at Bogus Basin on my mountain bike and came down Eastside Trail. This is probably my favorite trail to ride in the Ridge to Rivers system. It's seven miles dropping 1,250 feet of elevation before riders have to climb about 500 feet to get to the junction.

From the junction, I was able to continue down Sweet Connie as I left the forest and entered into the foothills. This trail is steep dropping 2,000 vertical feet over six miles.
Now is a great time to ride Sweet Connie because, and I've learned the hard way, you don't want to be on this trail in the heat. I got a ride up to Bogus Basin and rode all the way back to my house in Boise.

This area will be a great place to hike or bike until the snow arrives. I only saw three riders going up Sweet Connie and, of course, the Roberts family.
"It’s been great, it’s awesome up here," said Lacee. "We haven’t run into very many people and we are just getting some one-on-one time."