The snowpack in the Boise Basin is causing some concerns among farmers who are worried we're off to a bad start. The latest snow survey proves they're right.
The Farm Bureau and its members look at snow in the Boise Basin like money in the bank. Officials say the snow level right now isn't alarming, but is definitely on their radar. Farmers keep a close eye on the snow because they have to plan ahead for the amount of money they will need in farm loans.
Of course, that's no easy task. Considering the lower water in reservoirs, farmers might be focused on larger loans, which are much more expensive because of high intrest rates. Right now, the Boise Basin is roughly 70 percent of average.
Officials say we're getting snow, but the storms are just too small. We need another big dumping of snow to put us back on track, but knowing when that's going to happen- or IF it's going to happen- is difficult.
Snow levels at this point are the 5th lowest since 1961.