

Parents concerned after second threat reported by Sage Valley Middle School in eight day span

and last updated

A second threat of violence to students at Sage Valley Middle School has parents and students concerned with their safety.

"I don't want this school to be the next school on the world news about our school being shot up," said Maria Dominguez, parent to a Sage Valley Middle School student.

Sage Valley Middle School alerted parents with a phone call and Facebook status early Friday saying, "A student was overheard threatening to come to school with the intent to do harm to students. The Administration was made aware of the threat and have taken steps to ensure the safety of students and staff at Sage Valley. The Caldwell Police Department is aware of the situation and we believe everyone will be safe at school today. We will be conducting school as normal. Thank you."

"When you send out a message like that, and it's the beginning of the school morning, parents are going to worry," said Ashley Aldrich, parent to a Sage Valley Middle School student.

This is the second threat to the middle school made known to parents in eight day span. On Sept. 27, the school wrote about another incident involving the same student, which led to the student's two-day suspension from the premises. Police reportedly searched students house at that time.

"They sent out emails. And I didn't even get a, I didn't even look at an email, I had to find out through, uh, my son called me pretty much crying hysterically because there was cops everywhere," said Dominguez.
"And so she rushed to the school and she came to pick me up and everybody was getting picked up. Everybody was scared, and I was crying, it was pretty scary," said Jacob Nunes, student and son of Dominguez.

The same student reportedly returned to school this week, but after the second incident involving the student, was suspended again on Friday.

Students now left to wonder what's true and what is false.

"One rumor was that he voicemailed everyone, and said that he's bringing a nine millimeter pistol to school to shoot everyone in our whole school," said concerned student Braxten Aldrich, son to Ashley Aldrich.

Pat Charlton, Vallivue School District's Superintendent, declined to go on camera, but confirmed it was the same child involved in both threats, and that it's, "Unlikely this student will be returning to the school."

The school's resource officer, who also declined to go on camera, told me that the "kids blew it out of proportion"-- also saying that there were no indicators of the accuracy of the claims.

"I think the parents need to be advised and appraised as to what happened, the situation, and the result," said retired Nampa Police Officer Victor Rodriguez. "And what is going on from there. Transparency."