

Pets and fireworks don't mix well: here's what you can do

Tips to protect your pets during July Fourth fireworks, celebrations
and last updated

MERIDIAN, Idaho — As we head into the busy holiday weekend, it’s important to recognize certain stresses and anxieties some groups experience.

One of those groups being our four-legged friends.

While some pets may do okay with the loud sounds, fireworks are known to send some pets into panic mode.

Often pet owners turn to their veterinarians for preventive medication to help calm their animals during Fourth of July fireworks shows. Over-the-counter options are also available at many pet stores to assist with keeping animal anxiety levels down.

But medication may not be an option for everyone, and fire officials offer some advice on what they say is the minimum that pet owners can do.

“Not very many pets enjoy the loud bangs, pops, and whistles that come from fireworks. They get scared, and when they get scared, they run off,” says Nampa Fire Marshall Ron Johnson. “We want your pets to be safe, just like you, so please keep your pets indoors and in a safe place.”

Veterinarians suggest pet owners make sure their animals have a proper ID on their collar, so they can be reunited with their families in case they get loose. Be sure to check that any microchip information is up to date.