BOISE, Idaho — A couple of Idaho House members say it’s time to wave the American flag and limit what other flags can be displayed on State property.
Representative Ted Hill introduced an amended version to HB-10 that specifically adds to existing law to allow public schools to display only certain flags and banners on school property and to prohibit schools from displaying certain flags and banners. “We don’t want to have any political, ideological, or religious flags — those are prohibited because that’s a distraction and it’s divisive.”
Hill says third party flags are an open political statement and do not belong in the classroom. “It depends on what that flag is, a tribal flag, state flag, any country. You can’t put a Nazi flag, you can’t put the Confederate flag, you can’t put the Gadsen flag, can’t put the blue line flag, any political you cannot.”
To be clear the bill reads no flags or banners shall be displayed that represents a political viewpoint, including but not limited to flags or banners regarding a political party, race, sexual orientation, gender or a political ideology.
I asked Representative Hill is this much to do about nothing. “Was there an issue? Why take the time to draft a bill when it wasn’t an issue in the first place? It is an issue because I’ve seen it in the background. Teachers have taken the American flag down and another flag in the background, it is an issue.”
HB-10 is one of two flag new flag bills. The other was introduced by Rep. Heather Scott that would bar counties, districts and other political entities from any flag not officially associated with the U.S.
They have no impact on private property.