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Idaho State Superintendent Critchfield talks about West Ada poster controversy

Critchfield explains what her role is with individual school districts

BOISE, Idaho — The words, “Everyone is welcome here” has created quite a stir in the West Ada School District classroom.

Idaho News 6 spoke with State School Superintendent Debbie Critchfield about her role and what she can and cannot do about the recent controversy.

“I’ve had a conversation with the Superintendent of West Ada and with their board chair," answered Supt. Critchfield.

Critchfield is referring to the 6th grade teacher at Lewis and Clark Middle School who was asked by the school district to take down a poster they felt was against district policies.

She pointed out that if an individual school district is following state law, she cannot get personally involved in policy making. However, Critchfield says she can offer the district advice on keeping the line of communication open.

“I encourage them to reach out to their community and find solutions. I know they care about their kids and educators, and communication is such an important part of resolving some of the concerns.”

Idaho News 6 asked Critchfield if her office had received phone calls and emails from concerned parents about the poster in the Lewis and Clark Middle School classroom.

“We’ve heard from many people across the state telling us we should do this or that. We remind people about the structure that’s in place if you are someone who is in the West Ada school district here’s how you go about communicating with them. And, for people outside the district you can offer your feedback, but I think that it sounds and looks different if you're not a patron of that district, certainly if you’re not sending your child there.”