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Mike Masterson officially kicks off his campaign run for Mayor of Boise

Posted 9:03 PM, May 23, 2023
and last updated 12:20 AM, May 24, 2023

BOISE, Idaho — At a press conference on Tuesday, Former Boise Police Chief Mike Masterson officially kicked off his campaign to run as an independent candidate to be the next Mayor of Boise.

Introduced by State Senator Maryanne Jordan, Masterson shared his vision for many of his endorsers and other citizens of Boise.

Jordan defined Masterson's character and qualifications for the position. She called him authentic, transparent, and being a man known for tending to the basics.

Throughout her endorsement, Jordan highlighted Masterson's past performance while he served as the Boise Chief of Police, noting his concern for the community, his ability to manage, and his success in building solid foundations within the community.

Once Masterson got to the podium, he wasted no time explaining, what he sees, as the challenges presented by the new growth in Boise, and expressing his desire to give the community transparency, accountability, and bring the community together again.

He touted his credentials and historical record, with both the BPD and working with Military Veterans, and how he has always followed his call to serve. Next on his path, being able to serve the people of Boise.

He addressed his platform to build a better Boise, rebuilding trust in public safety, trust in the BPD, and his mission to restore trust in City Hall to confidently serve its citizens.

Masterson pulled no punches when mentioning his opinions regarding the current administration, attacking its budgeting management, questioning its transparency, and employment decisions and retention.

He closed his remarks acknowledging his appearance of being too serious and having a reputation for not smiling enough. He told his supporters that his compassion for Boise is heartfelt, and his drive is to restore the promise of Boise, and he definitely takes it seriously.