

Potential victims of Idaho Fish and Game data breech to be notified by mail

Posted 11:44 PM, Sep 01, 2016
and last updated 11:45 PM, Sep 01, 2016

The company that runs the Idaho Department of Fish and Game's online hunting and fishing license sales says it will send notices to any license holders whose personal information may be at risk after an attempted data breach to the system.

Active Network notified Fish and Game that the attempt may have affected license buyers who purchased their licenses before 2008.   Fish and Game immediately suspended operation of online license sales.  License holders who purchased their first licenses after 2008 are not at risk.

Active Network has launched an investigation into the attempted breech, utilizing an independent  cyber-security firm.  That investigation is ongoing. 

The Idaho Attorney General’s office advises potentially affected license holders to monitor their financial accounts and credit history for any signs of suspicious activity.   If  there is suspicious activity, license holders are urged to call the local police department or sheriff’s office to file a report of identity theft, then send that report to creditors.

Fish and Game will keep the public informed as it continues to discuss next steps with Active Network.  Online license sales will resume after Fish and Game officials receive independent confirmation of site security.

While the online system is down, sportsmen can still purchase Idaho hunting or fishing licenses and tags at nearly 400 businesses in the state and at Fish and Game offices.