

Puppy love program helps Boise State students relax during finals week


The Student Involvement and Leadership Center and a number of partners are helping students deal with the stress of finals week.

The finals relief program revolves around study, recharge and celebrate and one program has become a tradition for many students who deal with the pressure of trying to finish the semester on a strong note.

For the last five years, the puppy love program helps students by easing the tension with the power of puppy therapy.

Volunteer puppy raisers from Canine Companions for Independence bring different dogs to mingle with students and they are all really cute.

It was easy to see how it helps students who would stop to pet and get some puppy love from the dogs, but it is also something that the volunteers look forward to.

"Just meeting all the students and hearing what their plans are where they are from is really huge," said Denise Kimpson of Canine Companions. "I met one girl the other day from Italy."

Other programs to help students recharge include free massages, snacks and coffee at the library and also group fitness and yoga classes.

When the students finish their finals it is time to celebrate and they can do so with free bowling and billiards at the Student Union.