

READY TO VOTE? If not, we've got the answers to your last minute questions before Tuesday's election

You can always vote at the polls next Tuesday, but there are some key deadlines that are passing for absentee voters. And if you still need to register, you can always do it at the polls.
and last updated

BOISE — The election next Tuesday has some significant races that affect you at the local level.
And as always ... you want your voice to be heard.

There's a few things you need to know to make sure that happens.
Some are voting early, but remember, Friday is the last day to do that.

Either way, all you need is a photo id.

But if you're not registered, never fear, Idaho makes it easy to do that at the polls.
"One of the great things we have here in the state of Idaho is same day registration so if you've moved to the state recently moved within the state and you need to update your registration, you can do so when you head to the polls and vote," explains new Secretary of State, Phil McGrane.

To register at the polls bring proof of residence like a gas bill, and a photo id.
And to find your polling place go to Idaho votes dot org.
Remember, polls open at 8 a.m. and close at 8 p.m. But you can't be closed out once in line.

"You gotta be at least in line," explains McGrane, "Or if you have an absentee ballot its really important you get your absentee ballot into the county clerk by 8 p.m. on Tuesday."
Another thing to know, it's too late to request a mail in ballot.

If you have one already, don't send it through the mail this late. It probably won't make it. Instead, deliver it to the mail in ballot boxes at your city hall or clerk's office.