Wahooz Family Fun Zone got into the Christmas spirit in a unique way with Santa trading in his reindeer and sleigh for a helicopter, Mr. and Mrs. Claus did some bowling with children and kids also got to tell Santa what they want for Christmas.
"It’s exciting for the children," said Jennifer Davison who was there with a bunch of kids. "The looks on their faces as he comes in on a helicopter, they are watching the skies just like he would be coming in on a sleigh, it is a fantastic opportunity.”

The Christmas spirit could also be felt outside at Roaring Springs Waterpark as construction took some major strides this week on a new expansion project that will be ready for next summer.

"Tippin’ Tater weights 1,500 pounds and dumps 650 gallons of water," said Tiffany Quilici of Roaring Springs and Wahooz. "It is the worlds first and only potato tipping bucket."
The tater is part of Camp IdaH20, a new attraction for kids featuring slides, animals children would see through out Idaho and the Tippin' Tater, Roaring Springs is also building two new attractions.

"We also have Class Five Canyon, it is the northwest’s first action river, it is not a lazy river, but it will have whitewater waves where swimmers will have kickboards and it will be super fun," said Quilici. "We also have Critter Crossing which is a water recreation pool with water basketball, lily pads and other skill based activities."
Roaring Springs will add 16 luxury cabanas, more parking and the Geyser Bar and Grill that will allow adults to have drinks for the first time at the park, this is phase one of a five phase expansion that will happen over the next decade nearly doubling the space in the park.
"Roaring Springs is already the northwest’s largest water park and this will make us one of the largest waterparks in the country."
Santa stopping at Wahooz and the expansion at Roaring Springs shows how they are committed to making children smile year-round and creating a fun environment.
"We are so excited to see the looks on kids faces when they see all these animals and the big potato tipping bucket next summer," said Quilici. "It’s just so exciting."

Roaring Springs has a Christmas sale for season passes that lasts until December 31, after that prices will go up ten dollars and if families wait until next summer they will have to pay $20 more.