

Robert E. Lee stained glass window removed from Cathedral of the Rockies

Posted 10:26 PM, Aug 07, 2020
and last updated 12:07 AM, Aug 08, 2020

BOISE, Idaho — Boise's Cathedral of the Rockies removed the stained glass representation of Robert E. Lee Friday. Crews took the image of the confederate general during the Civil War, seen behind President's Lincoln and Washington in the stained glass.

A church representative says this is a "growing moment."

"We don't want this to be so much of a story about how good this act is but a part of a story about how we are trying to change that whole long narrative to become an institution in society that really is building long and life-giving relationships between people of all cultures and all kinds of differences in our society," said Elaine Stanovsky, Bishop of the Greater Northwest Area of the United Methodist Church.

So far, there is no word on what will replace the image of Lee in the stained glass window. The removed image is being donated to the Idaho Black History Museum in Boise.