

Safe travel tips for the holiday season

and last updated

Any type of travel may increase the risk of exposure to COVID-19 and travelers may pose a risk to others for 14 days after possible exposure. Regardless of where you traveled or what you did during your trip, these actions can help protect others.

Monitor yourself for symptoms of COVID-19 and practice social distancing, even in your own home. Be vigilant with hand hygiene and mask-wearing.

You should also be aware the following activities worsen your risk of exposure to COVID-19 during travel. Traveling to an area with a high rate of the coronavirus or attending a large social gathering like a wedding, funeral or party. Being in crowds or in restaurants bars, airports or movie theaters and traveling on a cruise ship or riverboat.

If you participated in higher-risk activities during your trip, stay home as much as possible, avoid people at risk for severe illness and consider getting tested. If you experience any possible COVID-19 symptoms, call your doctor or seek medical attention.