

Boise voters drawn to Sen. Bernie Sanders rally


Soon-to-be and first-time voters flocked to a rally at Taco Bell Arena to hear Senator Bernie Sanders speak.

For Margo Pengilly, attending the rally was a monumental occasion that will guide her as she enters the polls for the first time on November 8th,

"Anyone who supports him should be out voting. It's our duty to do that. It's the one thing we are supposed to," Pengilly explained enthusiastically.

Another young voter emphasized that she supported Sen. Sanders as a way to counter what she called a divided country with a small upper class that controls both privilege and wealth.

"We have a government that is almost an oligarchy and somewhat of a plutocracy that is not reflective of the average person," Alyssa Terteling of Boise said.

For one voter, the rally was exciting but also a mixed bag of emotion after her boss responded less than enthusiastically about the rally.

"He called me a socialist.  And although it was kind of in a joking way, it was still really odd that he called be a socialist because of the baggage that comes with that word," first-time voter Ashley Warren explained.

The speech was only held one day before the Idaho Democrat Caucus which more information can be found here.