

Idaho Senate approves $8 million for IEN


 BOISE, Idaho (AP) -- The Idaho Senate on Wednesday backed an $8 million transfer from the general fund to pay for a possible settlement over an illegal statewide contract for broadband in public schools.

Earlier this month, the Idaho Supreme Court upheld a lower court's ruling voiding the $60 million statewide contract. However, justices stopped short of ordering the state to seek repayment for the money already paid out under the voided contract.

Instead, Idaho officials have been negotiating with the system's main vendors to cover the work the companies performed under the contract but weren't yet paid for.

House Speaker Scott Bedke and Senate President Pro Tem Brent Hill have requested the funds in case they finalize a settlement after the Legislature adjourns.

The measure must now clear the House before it can head to Gov. C. L. "Butch" Otter's desk.