

Shelley HS athletic director faces charge


SHELLEY, Idaho -The athletic director for Shelley High School, David Hadley, is facing a misdemeanor charge of battery following an encounter with a female student.

According to court documents, the incident happened in April sometime following spring break.

The student, who was on the softball team which Hadley helped coach, says she was in a high school hallway when Hadley pushed her up against the lockers and touched her inappropriately. Two other students, also in the hallway at the time, say Hadley did have an interaction with the student but their accounts differ on exactly what happened. One student said that they had laughed about the encounter afterward.

The documents also show that Hadley was interviewed by police and knew about the incident. Hadley says he did put his arm around the student and acted like he was going to rub her head, but he didn't, he told investigators he felt the entire incident was just playing around.

The documents also show Hadley met with the student, her parents and the schools superintendent where he apologized if he made the student feel uncomfortable. Hadley is still working at Shelley High School.

Hadley's next court appearance is set for January 5th.