BONNEVILLE COUNTY, Idaho — Bonneville County Sheriff’s Deputies are investigating a threat from a student at Sandcreek Middle School in Ammon.
A report was made through dispatch on Wednesday evening that a student had threatened to bring a gun to school via social media. Idaho Falls police officers, Bonneville County Sheriff’s Deputies, and Bonneville School District 93 staff quickly identified a Sandcreek Middle School student as the source of the threat.
Deputies located the student and their parents at their residence late that night. The student will not be attending school on Tuesday, according to authorities.
Officials said there is no information indicating any further threat or issue that hasn’t been addressed. Sandcreek Middle School is set to operate on a normal schedule, with extra resources from the Sheriff’s Office on hand.
Bonneville County Sheriff’s Deputies and school personnel expressed gratitude to those who reported the incident, allowing for early intervention.
“Threats to schools are taken seriously,” officials said. They emphasized the importance of parents and students reporting rumors, behavior, and suspicious activity in a timely manner.
Anyone with information or concerns about a threat to schools should report it immediately to local law enforcement.