

SNAP distributions to change, slated for July 1

and last updated

Idahoans who utilize food stamps will face some big changes on when they can go and purchase groceries.

With more than 14% of Idahoans living at or below the poverty level according to the 2015 US Census, 90 percent of them will be affected adversely in the first month of thestaggered SNAP benefits change starting July 1, 2016.

The new dates of distribution correspond to the cardholder's year of birth.

For example:

People born in 1971, will receive benefits on the 1st, and 1972 on the 2nd.

People born in years ending in zero such as 1970 will be given distribution on the 10th of the month.

The law was passed in 2014, brought to the legislature by stores who said they were overwhelmed by customers on the first of every month.

Food pantry distribution centers are bracing for the potential increase in customers who may have to wait up to an additional 9 days to receive food.