

Stanley makes the top ten list of best "Staycation" destinations

Posted 7:32 PM, Feb 03, 2023

Between airline cancellations, travel restrictions and the quest for quality time best spent, people are using their coveted time off on Staycations.

A vacation is considered a "Staycation" when you stay in your home state, or time spent staying home and involving day trips to local attractions.

A study by the team at Travel Lens, known for their "Best Things To Do" lists, analyzed popular tourist destinations in the US. They considered factors like having the most restaurants and attractions per capita, as well as places that were safe, affordable and optimal temperatures.

And folks, it appears that our secret is out!

Stanley, Idaho placed ninth on the list. The area tucked in the Sawtooth Mountains is home to some 200 lakes, is perfect for hiking, fishing, horseback riding, boating, rafting and camping. Pretty much any outdoor activity.

Here's the top ten of overall best locations for a staycation:

  1. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
  2. Orlando, Florida
  3. Key West, Florida
  4. Page, Arizona
  5. Moab, Utah
  6. Tampa, Florida
  7. Miami, Florida
  8. Charleston, South Carolina
  9. Stanley, Idaho
  10. Cape Cod, Massachusetts

As many of us already know, getting reservations in the Stanley area for lodging and camp sites in the Summer can be challenging. Be sure to plan early, as it looks like it might start getting a little more crowded.