

Lawmaker calls for a special refugee session


A North Idaho lawmakers is calling on the Governor to call a special session in order to address concerns over Syrian refugees coming into the state.

Heather Scott, R-Blanchard, sent a letter to constituents expressing her fears of incoming refugees from Muslim countries. She sites an immigration doctrine of Islam called Al-Hijra. According to Scott, the doctrine calls on Muslims to travel to foreign lands and build enough influence to convert local laws to Sharia Law.

The 1st term lawmaker asks voters to call the Governor's office and ask he call a special session to address the "refugee crises." She also asks for a detailed report of refugees coming into Idaho and implement an approval process administered by the state.

Scott goes on to support Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter's letter to President Obama asking to stop the refugee program until the vetting process is improved. However, she says the language "lacks the strong, unequivocal approach expressed be other states exercising their state sovereignty."

You can read the whole letter here.