

State of 208: Will Topgolf tee off in Meridian?

Posted 12:05 AM, Apr 12, 2021
and last updated 12:37 PM, Apr 12, 2021

What in the world is going on with those two huge open fields near I-84 and Eagle Road? Is a Topgolf entertainment center really coming to town, and what happened to that new Winco across the road?

We asked Don Day from BoiseDev why everybody keeps talking about the two, but nothing seems to be official.

"That's a question I get a lot. I remember when Amazon was built and they played coy for two years. I don't know why corporations do things the way they do."

Idaho News 6 and Day contacted Topgolf's corporate office and was told they would love to provide video for a story when they actually build a location in our area.

Day was not surprised by their answer.

"Nobody at Topgolf has said no, they didn't tell you no, they didn't say no to me. They just can't give anything yet."

But what about the other empty field on the other side of Eagle Road?

"A couple of weeks ago, another developer came to the city of Meridian and split that land where Winco would sit on, and said one side will be apartments, and the other will be for the future Winco store."

Like Topgolf, company officials at Winco are being tight-lipped, possibly focusing their efforts on the brand new Winco that is currently being built at Chinden and Linder.

One thing we know for certain is these two large empty fields won't be empty for long.