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Developer Tommy Ahlquist has advice for Idaho's small business owners

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BOISE, Idaho — When President Trump signed the final leg of the economic stimulus package into law, it gave clear guidelines on what small businesses are eligible, and what their loans will look like.

Idaho developer and former gubernatorial candidate Tommy Ahlquist has some advice for Idaho small business owners on how to steer their ships through these rough waters.

6 On Your Side asked Ahlquist what small business owners can do now.

The first thing Ahlquist says to do is use your stimulus dollars wisely.

"We're a country that's built on small business, we have few large businesses that have plenty of money in the bank to weather this, but our country and state are built on small businesses and they will be hit the hardest by this," Ahlquist said.

The next tip Ahlquist recommends is to make a gameplan.

"I remember coming home from an E.R. shift and sitting in my driveway not wanting to get out of my car saying I ruined my life, there's no way out of this hole I'm in," Alquist said. "I tell anyone that's in that situation you've got to sit down with a piece of paper and ask what's my plan to get through this, where's the light at the end of the tunnel and then have a plan and a strategy and work your tail off to get there. "

Ahlquist notes that the coronavirus will be difficult for all businesses with less "dollars coming through the door," but that it's important for everyone to do their best to flatten the curve.

He says if we follow guidelines, the quicker we'll get back to work and that's the other reason to really comply, "to try to minimize the impact on the business community."