MERIDIAN, Idaho — Meridian is experiencing unique growth despite being in the middle of a pandemic.
Idaho News 6 reported the rapid growth in places like downtown Meridian but also shared stories of businesses closing permanently due to pandemic-related complications.
In an effort to understand how many businesses have come and gone throughout the city, Idaho News 6 reached out to Meridian officials and learned a "previous administration" decided tracking what businesses are coming and going in the area was "not needed."
Working with almost 600 local business owners, we asked the Meridian Chamber of Commerce to learn if and how they are tracking the change.
“There have been discussions over the years to come up with some type of registry that is all-inclusive. Last year did show us the need for some type of registry so you know it may be something we look at a way to not be too intrusive in people’s business but find out more what is actually located here in Meridian," said Sean Evans, CEO of the Meridian Chamber of Commerce.
Even the number of businesses joining or dropping memberships with the Meridian Chamber of Commerce doesn't accurately depict what is actually out there.
"Even if we were to look at our numbers and say you know we saw declines here and increase here that doesn't mean it was an actual change in business status," said Marlene Robinson, Development & Marketing Director.
Both Evans and Robinson said developing a repository for the city's business is part of the "to-do" but they encourage Meridian business owners to consider joining to have access to benefits to help. Memberships range from $275 to $3,750 and offer members various perks.

Idaho News 6 followed up with the City of Meridian to learn more about the city's effort to be "business-friendly". We'll update this story should a statement be made available.