

State of the State: Governor Little touts Idaho LAUNCH grant program

The program is aimed for high school students and helps them learn valuable trades so they can live and work in Idaho
and last updated

"The State of our State is strong, stronger than ever before."

At the State of the State Address on Monday, Governor Brad Little's theme was to the point. "What we're doing is working." From the economy, to education and our roads and beyond, the Governor even used a video to show and demonstrate what is working across the State.

Related: Gov. Brad Little delivers 2024 State of the State address

The Governor talked about the need for skilled workers and about how his new Launch grants will help students get trained in certain trades. The Governor says it will encourage them to stay in Idaho and not go to other states looking for work. The grants will cover eighty percent of the cost up to eight thousand dollars to enroll in an education or training program after high school that aligns with an in demand career. Little said, "We don’t want our employers to import workers from other places when we can train our own kids right here at home."

But when I asked House Speaker Mike Moyle about it, Moyle said not so fast. “Not a big Launch fan. It can turn into a hand out program if we’re not careful. They have to earn it.”

Democrats take a different stand on the Launch program. Minority leader Melissa Wintrow says they want to move the program forward. “We’re committed to Launch and hope we can get everyone on board.”

As Little wrapped up his vision for this year he paid tribute to a former Governor who we lost last year. “So let me close with an ode to Governor Batt and say emphatically let’s get this show on the road."

Idaho News 6 will continue to follow this year’s legislative session and tell what’s happening behind those Statehouse doors.