

Superstar kid: Wheeling his way across triathlon finish line


"The faster he goes, the more he squeals and the happier he is," said Karston Fox's father. 

You'll rarely see Karston Fox sitting still. This seven-year-old is speedy and there's not much that can stop him once he's on a roll. 

"When he was born is when we all found out he was different. His legs were just everywhere," said Fox. 

Fox was born with a disability called Arthrogryposis, or AMC for short. It typically affects a child's mobility from the neck down, but in his case, it's only from the waist down. 

"Hip dysplasia, contracted legs, club feet and top of that he's intellectually disabled, so he's extra special," said Fox.

Karston needs a wheelchair to get around at all times, but not even that can stop him from playing the sports he loves. Earlier this month, he completed a triathlon with the help of his dad and some Boise High School students. 

"Putting him into a race situation he wants to win whether he wins or not doesn't matter," said Fox. 

He's competing in another mini triathlon this weekend in Utah. Then it's training time for the Special Olympics in Idaho this March. His father once a chairman for the Special Olympics now serves as his biggest supporter.

"I was involved in the board of special Olympics prior to him being born, and I did not know one day I would be the father to a Special Olympics athlete," said Fox.  

This duo has advice for all the special needs parents out there, regardless of what they think their limitations are. 

"I would encourage them to get out and help make it the norm and learn from them. There's so much to learn from these special needs kids."