

Teaching raptor tricks. World Center for Birds of Prey prepares multiple birds for Fall Flights

Fall Flights are public performances designed to showcase the natural abilities of raptors while educating the public about their importance in the balance of nature.

BOISE — Curator of Birds at the World Center for Birds of Prey explains what it's like to train large raptors to take part in Fall Flights. Fall Flights is a weekly performance that highlights the importance of Raptors in the balance of nature.

  • Fall flights take place Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the World Center for Birds of Prey through October 27.
  • Go to to learn more.
  • The flights feature performances of flight by various raptors.
  • The birds literally fly inches above the heads of the crowd.
  • World Center for Birds of Prey has been instrumental in the recovery efforts for the peregrine falcon, the California Condor and more.