

Testimony regarding medical care monopolized much of civil trial against Ammon Bundy and Diego Rodriguez

Absent the defendants, St. Luke's moves forward in civil suit

BOISE, Idaho — Testimony in the civil trial of St. Luke's vs. Ammon Bundy and Diego Rodriguez continued in another full day of court, even though the defendants continue to be absent.

St. Luke's claims charges of defamation and false information, as well as seeking damages to recoup expenses incurred requiring additional security when the hospital was treating a child brought to the facility from the Department of Health and Welfare and the subsequent protests initiated by Bundy and Rodriguez.

RELATED | St. Luke's civil trial against Ammon Bundy proceeds, even with no defendant in attendance

The plaintiff called witnesses outlining the health concerns of Baby Cyrus, including malnutrition and dehydration. Doctors testified to the condition of the infant on several different dates and the need for a nasogastric feeding tube to help the child meet caloric needs.

Witnesses also confirmed the communication challenges with the child's family.

The afternoon concluded with testimony from psychology experts offering testimony regarding the effects of trauma on plaintiffs, incurred due to harassment and doxing. The psychologist confirmed the presence of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Acute Stress Disorder.

The plaintiffs were accused of child abduction, being child traffickers, and had personal information disseminated (referred to as doxing) by the defendants.

The trial is scheduled to resume on Thursday.