

The E-Transportation Take Over

How e-scooters and e-bikes are making cross-town travel convenient

BOISE, ID — It has been almost three months since the city chose Lime e-scooters and e-bikes as the only shared e-vehicles throughout Boise.

The city of Boise approved the full release back in July.

RELATED | City Council makes Lime the sole provider of e-scooters and e-bikes in Boise

BSU student Aaron Dossett said, "I see a lot of people Lime'n every day."

Since the first trial fleet of scooters and bikes, Lime says they have seen almost 1 million rides here in the Boise area.

BSU student Cainon Rogers explained that he uses Lime e-scooters three to four times a week.

Dossett explained that since the scooter took its presence, the community has created a new term.

"Just be like hey man, you Lime’n?" explained Dossett.

But how much has "Lime’n" helped the community?

"They are pretty convenient. Definitely a lot easier than Uber, especially if you going somewhere short. It's cheaper," said BSU student Luke Jay.

Dossett explained that getting downtown at night, specifically, is a lot easier with these modes of transportation at their fingertips.

Speaking with several people downtown and on the BSU campus, the Lime transportation system has been nothing but helpful.