BOISE, Idaho — Community Reentry Centers are residential facilities that allow inmates nearing release to transition from a correctional facility into the community.
“We are treated nicer over here. They treat us more like humans. It's a better place to be,” said Audri Foster, an East Boise Community Reentry Center resident.
The East Boise Community Reentry Centeropened its doors in 1980 as the first reentry center in Idaho. Today it’s a female facility that helps prepare residents to re-enter the community.
“The ladies that are here are just like everyone else. They have amazing futures; they are smart, they are kind, they want to give back to the community, they want to do well, and they just need the opportunity to do it,” said Gretchen Woodland, Manager at the East Boise Community Reentry Center.
Transitioning from jail or prison into society can be a struggle without support. Facilities like the East Boise Community Reentry Center, which houses 148 female residents who are classified as minimum custody.
The facility offers treatment programs, support groups, community service, community-based employment, and other options to promote a positive and successful reentry into the community.
“I’m just really grateful that I'm able to finish my college education while I'm incarcerated,” said Jade Hooker, an East Boise Community Reentry Center resident.
Reentry centers are vital to residents like Jade Hooker and Audri Foster.
“I'm just looking forward to start working, finishing my classes, and seeing how much this place has to offer,” said Audri Foster.
They are getting skills and resources to be better prepared for the next stage of their lives.
“If they want to give it 100% and take full advantage of the different opportunities they have here to get themselves ready for when they are released, it is life-changing,” said Gretchen Woodland.