MOUNTAIN HOME, Idaho — Jeff Moss, the owner of Apple Barrel Deli and Bakery, opened up the store. What he saw was his American flag, and next to it, where he also shows support for Israel by the flying the Israeli flag, the Star of David, someone had come overnight and ripped it up. This was the flag that was flying that morning.

Moss says he couldn't believe it. “I was angry. I was humiliated that someone in this small town would tear up my Israeli flag. My wife was heartbroken.”
When violence broke out in the Middle East a couple of months ago, Moss says as a Christian, he felt compelled to support Israel, plain and simple. Then a short time later a sticker affiliated with a hate group showed up stuck to the front door of his popular deli.
Moss explained what happened first. “About three weeks ago, somebody put on the outside of the window, they put that sticker on the Star of David.”

I spoke with Mountain Home’s police chief who confirmed a police report was filed and that they are investigating it as a crime. They cannot say it was a “hate" crime until the person or persons is caught and their motivation is known.
Part of the investigation includes nearby video cameras, and as of right now, they haven’t seen anything. Moss says he plans to install his own cameras. Mayor Rich Sykes says Mountain Home residents are proud of their diversity and that they’re better for it.
Mayor Sykes was direct and to the point in his response. “And that kind of action, hate crime, or whatever, it is will not be tolerated in Mountain Home. We will prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law. We are too great for hate. We don’t play that game here and that everyone is included and inclusive in Mountain Home, Idaho.”
Moss says everyone is welcome at the Apple Barrel Deli, and the support among his customers has been comforting.

Idaho News 6 will keep you up on the investigation.