

'The Sun is your pencil': Sunscribes using ancient techniques to make masterpieces

Made in Idaho
  • Michael Papadakis started as an artist from a young age but his tools have shifted over the years.
  • The Treasure Valley native remembers images of other kids using magnifying glass to burn leaves and ants but he realized something about this novel pastime: it could be use for creation and not destruction.
  • Fast forward to a backpacking trip in Asia and being the closest to the Sun he had ever been, Papadakis realized he could harness the most powerful thing in our solar system to create art.
  • As the Founder of Sunscribes, Papadakis doesn't use pencils or paint brushes. Instead he enjoys the challenge of lenses and magnifying glasses to focus the Suns power and burn works of art.

(Below is the transcript from the broadcast story)

It's a quiet morning along the Boise river and artist Michael Papadakis is grateful for another sunny day.

"I was painting and drawing since I was born," said Papadakis.

The lifelong artist has varied techniques over the years.

"And then this didn't come until my adult years," said Papadakis.

His tools shifting from brushes and pencils to lenses and magnifying glasses after a back packing trip through central Asia, now the Treasure Valley native enjoys his work mainly in the Idaho outdoors.

"It was just a natural point of in my artistic expression that I would eventually turn to the sun to be that main source of creativity," said Papadakis.

Today as the owner of Sunscribes he uses redirection of sunlight to create detailed masterpieces. He invited me to join him along the river in Eagle allowing me to experience what it's like to use the power of the sun in the palm of my hand.

"It turns into like a paintbrush"

"Isn't it insane?"

"That's so cool"

"The sun is your pencil, and you get to create your story with the sun, and you can write whatever you want," said Papadakis.

From the top of Bogus Basin to bed of the Boise River Papadakis can make his masterpieces anywhere. Families, to flags, magazine covers to yes even our Sun, the solar powered skilled creator can create anything anytime as long as the Sun is shining.

"The fact that this art form never requires optimal situations is what entices me the most," said Papadakis.

Papadakis' next venture letting others learn the ancient craft.

"For me the therapy and the art therapy that comes with this form of art is what I hope to provide most when teaching people," said Papadakis.