

Troubles for Elk in the gem state


Ten elk died Tuesday after eating Japanese Yew in the Hailey Cemetary and other elk continue to be hit and killed on roadways.

“It is one of those years, we have a lot of elk and we have our first normal snow levels in the past five years and elk are being pushed into the valley and getting into trouble,” said Daryl Meints, Magic Valley Fish and Game Regional Wildlife Manager. “The best thing for people to do, is slow down when driving, when you have elk in your backyard give them a wide berth and don’t push them, and if you have a problem call Fish and Game or local city police or the county sheriff.”
At the cemetery, city maintenance handled the problem quickly by removing all the Japanese Yew from the grounds.

Idaho Fish and Game are keeping a close eye on the situation for all wildlife in the Wood River area and other places around the region.

People having problem with winter wildlife can call the Idaho Fish and Game Magic Valley Regional Office at (208) 324-4359.