BOISE, Idaho — The morning of October 2, TSA agents at Boise Airport seized two firearms, from two separate passengers.

The first was a male traveler who was carrying a loaded 9mm firearm. The weapon was discovered and confiscated at 5:00 am.
The second was a male traveler carrying an unloaded pistol in his carry-on bag with a box of ammunition.
Both firearms were discovered during the x-ray screenings as passengers were entering the flight terminal area of BOI.
Both travelers will now receive federal fines for entering checkpoints with a weapon. Depending on circumstances, fines can be imposed nearing almost $15,000 per violation.
Airport officials have confiscated 31 firearms at BOI so far in 2023, all but two being loaded at the time of discovery.
Firearms are permitted for air travel in checked baggage as long as they are in a hard, locked case and are not loaded. Firearms are never permitted to be carried in flight by a passenger.
If you are unsure if an item should be packed in a carry-on bag, checked bag, either or neither, you can check on the free myTSA app under the "What can I bring?" tab. Or ask on Twitter or Facebook Messenger at @AskTSA.
Travelers may also contact the airline to verify requirements.